
Symbolic Map

About the Project:
This is a autobiography map, telling my story and what I plan to do in the future, its not a commun map because its created with symbolism which means that each simbol represents something in my life.
The key tells you what each simbol means.

The symbolic map was really fun to make for many reasons. Brain stoming abut my past and what I want in my future nd writ it down in a paper and realize what ive learned and what are the most important things in my life and in my past. It was hard to decide how to do it and where to locate each symbol. It was also hard to paint the small details on it. 

Clay head

About the Clay Head Project:
 After we learned about face proportion, we did clay faces the ones we had to fit perfectly to face proportion, following the instrucions. The eyes had to be in the middle of the face and so on. Because my project has so many details in it, I didnt paint.

The clay head was the toughest project we did in 9th grade. We had to invest lots of time and concentration. The first face I did broke, so I had to start all over again. My face is a pirat that has one eye covered, and a hat. 
    I personally think that my face come out to be just the way I wanted it to look, it looks realistic and original. It was fun to play with clay but at the same time, having such a responsability with it.   



About the Project:
For face proportion unit, I also did a project called half-portrait, which consisted on drawing the missing half of my face by only watching it. Miss Lopez, my art teacher took a picture of me and printed out, I cuted irregulary in half, and then past the half picture in a drawing paper. With a regular pencil i started to draw my half face using the proportions, with a blending stick I did shadows to make my half drawing look more realistic.  

Whenmy teaher first explained the project, I was really scared, it looked so hard and so detailed I though I wold never was going to be able to do it succesfully. When I finally started to work on it I realized it was not that hard, it was only matter of concentration and effort. When I finished the outside drawing, and I started to work on the shades I was scared to damage the drawing but I didnt, they turn out perfectly. I think that the hair couldve be a bit darker, but I am happy with the complete result!